


Manner of the worship

  • 1. 入口の鳥居をくぐる前に会釈をして境内に入ります。

    1. 入口の鳥居をくぐる前に会釈をして境内に入ります。

    Before you enter the entrance path, you should bow once in front of a tori gate .

  • 2. 入手水舎の水で心身を清めます。

    2. 入手水舎の水で心身を清めます。

    Clean up your heart at Chozusha .

    • 1 右手で柄杓(ひしゃく)を持ち、水を汲んで左手にかけ左手を清めます。
    • 2 次に柄杓を左手に持ち替えて、同じように右手を清めます。
    • 3 再び柄杓を右手に持ち、左の手のひらに水を受けて口をすすぎます。
    • 4 口をすすぎ終えたら、もう一度水を左手に流します。
    • 5 最後に水の入った柄杓を立て、柄に水を流してから伏せて置きます。
    • 1 Scoop up water with a ladle with your right hand and clean your left hand.
    • 2 Hold the ladle with your left hand and clean your right hand.
    • 3 Hold the ladle with your right hand and rinse your mouth.
      ( Please don’t touch your mouth to the ladle.)
    • 4 Wash your left hand again.
    • 5 Clean the handle of the ladle. Put it back to the original place.
  • 3. 参道を通ってご神前へ進みます。(中央より端を歩く)

    3. 参道を通ってご神前へ進みます。(中央より端を歩く)

    After stepping into the path called Sando, you should walk on the side of the path.
    Because it is believed that deity walks in the middle of the path.

  • 4. お賽銭箱の前に立ったら会釈をしてお賽銭箱にお賽銭を入れます。

    4. お賽銭箱の前に立ったら会釈をしてお賽銭箱にお賽銭を入れます。

    You bow once in front of the Saisen Box and throw a coin into the Saisen box gently.

  • 5. 二礼二拍手一礼の作法で拝礼し、会釈をしてから退きます。

    5. 二礼二拍手一礼の作法で拝礼し、会釈をしてから退きます。

    Bow twice and crap twice and bow once.

    • 1 深いお辞儀(礼)を二回繰り返します。(二礼 )
    • 2 次に両手を胸の高さで合わせ、肩幅程度に両手を開いて拍手を二回打ちます。(二拍手)
    • 3 そのあとに両手をきちんと合わせて心を込めて祈ります。
    • 4 両手をおろし、最後にもう一度深いお辞儀(礼)をします。(一礼 )
    • 1 Bow twice.
    • 2 Crap twice.
    • 3 Get your hands together and head down. It’s the time for praying.
    • 4 Put your hands down and deep bow again.


Manner of the worship

  • [ 一 ]



    Only those people who had copied out a Buddhist Sutra and brought
    it to the shrine could receive the stamp as proof of their offering .

  • [ 二 ]



    Please be quiet and wait when you getting Goshuin .

  • [ 三 ]



    It’s not just to get a stamp so ask for Goshuin after you pray .

  • [ 四 ]



    Open the page where your want them to write on Gosyuin-cho .
    Goshuin-cho is a little special folding notebook .
    Please do not use regular notebook .

  • 御朱印  Goshuin





    We prepare Gosyuinn at the shrine office. We’ll put Gosyuin(red ink stamp) on your Goshuin-cho for now If you want Guji to write on your Goshuin-cho with Sumi (India ink) and please go to Goryo shrine .
    10:00~16:00 (Guji may be absent)

  • 御朱印帳  Gosyuin -cho

    御朱印帳Gosyuin -cho


    It is the pretty design which a red torii and fox were embroidered on .

  • お守り  Amulet



    There are longevity, health, studies pass, a lucky charm of matchmaking.
    The good luck charm of the fox has wood carving and two types of the ceramics .

  • 日本手ぬぐい  Japanese towel

    日本手ぬぐいJapanese towel


    It is the Japanese towel which the face of the fox is drawn on .
    It is the face of the fox which a different face is all drawn, and any of them are heartwarming, and pretty .

  • 狐  Fox


    陶器の白狐 1対(左右1体づつ)。

    White fox of the ceramics . One pair .



Goryou Shrine

  • 関東平氏五家の始祖、鎌倉氏・梶原氏・村岡氏・長尾氏・大庭氏の5氏の霊を祀った神社で、五霊から転じて御霊神社(ごりょう)と呼ばれるようになりました。後に鎌倉氏にまとめられ名前が鎌倉権五郎景政であったので権五郎神社とも呼ばれます。

    A shrines venerating five souls who are Mr.Kamakura , Mr.Kajiwara , Mr.Muraoka , Mr.Nagao ,and Mr.Ooba . After that , It was gathered up by Mr. Kamakura ,Gongoroukagemasa .

  • 影政は初陣16歳で従軍し、左眼を矢で射抜かれても屈する事なく相手を打ち取りました。刺さった矢を抜こうとした三浦為継が影正の顔に足を掛けたとき「弓矢に当たって死するは武士の本望。なのに土足をもって面部を踏むとは何事だ!といってその非礼を刀を構えて叱咤した剛毅は歌舞伎にもうたわれ、鎌倉武士の誇りとなりました。このような影政の逸話などから、除災招福、眼病平癒に御利益があるとされています。

    Kagemasa was served in the first battle 16yrs. Even if a left eye was shot with an arrow, Kagemasa defeated an enemy . When Miura put his foot on Kagemasa’s face and going to pull the arrow from his eye , Kagemasa said “What make you think that you can put your foot on my face ? It being honor to be killed with bow for samurai .” Kagemasa held sword towards Miura and scolded him . This story became the pride of the Kamakura samurai and sung in Kabuki . It is said that keep off a disaster , bring good luck and eye disease recovery include divine favor from an anecdote of such Kagemasa .

  • この権五郎影政の命日が9月18日でこの祭日に「御霊神社面掛行列という行事があります。または「はらみっと行列」とも言います。これは伎楽や舞楽・田楽などに使われる特異な面を十人衆がつけ古いいでたちで街の中をねり歩く県指定の無形文化財です。笛や太鼓のはやしの後に白いのぼり旗の竹を担いだ白装束、藁草履履きの少年、天狗の面をかぶった猿田彦・獅子頭、爺・鬼・異形・鼻長・烏天狗・翁・火吹男・福禄寿・おかめ・産婆という順番で行列が行われます。その昔、源頼朝が村の娘をかわいがり、力を持った娘の一族が頼朝の外出に側仕えし、その際顔を見られないようにお面をつけたのがこの行列の発祥だとも言われています。

    Kagemasa’s anniversary of a death is September 18th . On the day , there is an event to be called “Goryou Menkake parade” .Ten people wear special masks , wear clothes of the old time and parade through the city that is intangible cultural properties designated by Prefecture. The white clothing which carried the bamboo of a white upbound flag on his shoulder after bamboo pipes and a drums , Sarutahiko wears the mask of Tengu(long-nosed goblin) , Shisigasira(lion’s face mask)and comes Ten special masks , Jii・Oni・Igyou・Hananaga・Toritengu・Hifukio・Fukurokujyu・Okame and Sanba .Parade goes on like this order . Once upon a time ,Yoritomo adores the daughter of the village . Whole families of the daughter with the power who serves a load when Yoritomo went out . But they didn’t want everybody to see their face so they wear the mask . It is said that it is the start of this parade .

  • 御霊神社の境内の社務所前にある樹齢350年に達したタブノキは高さ20メートルに達し幹から伸びた枝が冠状に伸びています。こちらは鎌倉市の天然記念物に指定されています。宮司は佐助稲荷神社と兼任しています。

    There is a 300year-old Machilus thunbergi in front of shrine office . It is 20 meters in height and A branch lengthens into a crown form . The tree has been designated natural monuments by Kamakura City . Guji holds an additional post with Sasuke Inari shrine。




〒248-0017 神奈川県鎌倉市佐助2丁目22−12

電車でお越しの方By train


The nearest station is Kamakura station. About walk.

お車でお越しの方By car


There is no parking lot so please use a coin parking.