

The history of a pet and the person

  • 人間が犬(ペット)を飼っていた歴史は旧石器時代にさかのぼります。約9000年前の犬の骨が神奈川県で発見されています。人間と共に丁寧に埋葬された形跡が見つかった事から人間と狩りを行うなど家畜としては勿論ですが人間にとって特別な存在だったことが分かります。そしてペットブームは金魚を飼う風習が広がった江戸中期から始まりました

    The history that a human being kept a dog (pet) dates back to the Old Stone Age. The bone of the dog approximately 9, 000 years ago is discovered in Kanagawa. We understand that dogs hunt with people and dogs were very special to people that’s why trace buried with a human being carefully was found. Spread the custom of keeping a goldfish as a pet . Since then the pet boom began at the middle of Edo period .

  • 時を経て昭和になり白いフワフワのスピッツが流行し昭和43年頃からは小型犬の代表の様なマルチーズ・ポメラニアン・ヨークシャテリアが人気を集めました。その後、テレビ・マスコミの影響もあり大型犬やハムスター・アライグマなどの多種多様な動物がブームになりました。そして数十年経ち日本人の住環境に適した猫のペットブームが巻き起こりました。

    Over the years , white soft and fluffy spitz dogs were popular in Showa period. Maltese dog , Pomeranian, Yorkshire Terrier like the representative of the small dog attracted popularity in about 1968. It had effect of TV media, and the a great variety of animals such as large dogs or the hamster raccoon became the boom afterwards. And several decades passed, and the pet boom of the cat suitable for house environment of Japanese arose.

  • ペットとひと | 佐助稲荷神社

    ペットの飼い主さまの心に 寄り添える神社

    The Shinto shrine, which can snuggle
    up to a heart of the owner of the pet .

  • 先ず、お参りされた方の経験をお伺いしましたので紹介させて頂きます。

    At first I’ll introduce the experience I heard of the person who prayed at Sasuke Inari shrine. 『I felt Sasuke Inari shrine has heart-warming atmosphere as snuggle up to a heart of the owner of the pet. After I visit Sasuke Inari ,I was thinking about Sasuke Iari and fell sleep. Then I saw a dream about my dog that I had him from 7yrs old to 18yrs old. I talk to him , I touched him ,pet him and I felt his warmth, just like I did when he was alive. I felt like I touched real him . I woke up in the joy that was able to meet him again and I felt his thought to me . I was moved and so I cried . I haven’t seen him for 32 yrs. So I finally could see him . I was very happy and thank you so much .』

  • ペットとひと | 佐助稲荷神社
  • 寿命を全うした子、病気、不慮の事故など様々な理由でお別れしたペットの事を想い寂しくて会いたい気持ちをずっと持ち続けておられる飼い主さまが沢山おられる事と思います。又、現在、病気の治療中で痛い注射や苦いお薬を飲んで毎日頑張っている子、それらの治療のストレスを抱えている子を見守る飼い主さま。迷子になったペットとの再会を願う飼い主さま。今は健康で元気に走り回るペットにずっとこのまま健康で元気に長生きして少しでも長く一緒にいて欲しいと願う飼い主さま。ペットへ家族になってくれてありがとう。出会ってくれてありがとう。と思う気持ちをいつも心に持ち続けペットに伝え続けたい。佐助稲荷神社はそんな飼い主さま達の愛するペットへの想いに寄り添いずっとペットと心が繋がっていられる場所として、心の拠り所として、此処に来てペットに話しかけて愛する子を感じて欲しいと思います。また、家族が居ない犬や猫、動物達、悲しんでいる子達の為の幸せを願って1匹でも多くの命が救われる様に祈って頂きたいと思っています。

    There are lots of reason that you had to say good bye to your pet , like the pet who accomplished life , sick or an accidental death etc. .But you still think about them miss them you always feel that you want to see them again if you could. Or your pet has a big stress because of the medical treatment. Or looking for your missing pet . Wishing meet them again soon. Your pet is healthy and happy right now and hoping the time last longer. You always think and feel to your pet that thank you for becoming a member of our family. We always want to be by these pet’s owners side and we want you to feel that you are connected to your pet when you come visit Sasuke Inari. Please come and talk to your beloved pets and feel them. Please pray for the pet’s happiness what doesn’t have family and pray for their life.




Guji purifies all the amulet .

  • ペットのお守り  Goshuin

    ペットのお守りPet’s amulet


    Pray for pet’s health. Hope that pet’s owner can be with your pet even after your pet passed away. Hope that you’ll be able to meet your lost pet agein. Hope that you always keep amulet with you and think of your pet and pray for the all pet’s happiness.

  • ペットの絵馬  Ema



    Write down how much you love your pet and tell how you feel to your deceased pet .Wright wishes for the reencounter with your missing pet , pet’s health , appreciation or wish for the pet can find a family who doesn’t have home and live happy .

  • 人形  Dall



    Please keep the doll at home and speak to it every day ,like you talk to your pet who passed away . Wish to the doll that you want a missing pet to come back soon . Dall can be the one like Shinto shrine instead of wishing to Sasuke Inari . Please wish for all the pets are loved and happy .




〒248-0017 神奈川県鎌倉市佐助2丁目22−12

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